Since its inception in 1990, Hudson Technologies has been a leader in refrigerant reclamation. For nearly three decades we have demonstrated our commitment to our customers and the environment through multimillion dollar investments in our plants and advanced separation; technology which is required to recover a wide variety of refrigerants to restore them to AHRI 700 standards and allow reuse as certified EMERALD Refrigerants™. While this commitment can be measured by the millions of pounds we have reclaimed, we are most proud of partnering with our customers to reduce the overall environmental impact refrigerants have on our world.
Hudson Technologies is EPA-certified and is the largest refrigerant reclaimer in the nation. We operate multiple state-of-the-art reclamation facilities throughout the nation and have two laboratories certified by the Air Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI). In addition, all our reclaimed refrigerants undergo strict quality control inspections to ensure that they meet or exceed AHRI 700 standards for purity. We offer seamless refrigerant recovery services, backed by our thorough understanding of EPA regulations, ensuring your operations remain free from any compliance concerns. Hudson will also provide all proper documentation for your records.